Buy Me a Rose

Choreographed By Hazel Pace, 01/01 -- 01538 300886
Description   32 count, 4 wall line dance.
Music Buy me a Rose - Kenny Rogers 98 Bpm, 
16 Count Intro Start On Vocals
My Old Love In New Mexico - Holly Dunn - 102 Bpm
Baby Hold On by Ricochet

1-8 Forward & Back Rocks. 1/4 turn Left, Cross Rock
1-2  Step and rock forward onto right, recover on left
3-4  Step and rock back onto right. recover on left.
(Emphasise rock steps bending knees and swaying body in direction of rock steps)
 5-6  1/2 turn left as step back on right, On ball of right turn 1/4 left stepping left to left side

Cross rock Right over left. recover on left,

9-16  Side Cross, Side, Rock Behind, Side, Behind, 1/4 turn, 3/4 turn left
1&2 Step right to right side, cross left in front of right, Step right to right side
3-4 Cross left behind right. (Keep body facing front, sway arms & body to the right, slightly
Raising body up onto toes), Recover weight onto right
5&6 Step left to left side, Step right behind left, step left into 1/4 turn left.
7-8  1/2 turn left as you step back on right, Step down onto left making 1/4 turn left
17-24 Side. Behind. Side Shuffle 1/4 turn, 1/4 turn Right, Side Rock
1-2  Step right to right side. Step left behind right.
3&4  Step right to side, step left beside right, step right into 1/4 turn right
5-6 1/2 turn right as you step back on left step down onto right making 1/4 turn right,

Step left to left side as you sway body left, Step down on right as you sway body right

25-32  Rock Behind & Step x 2, Cross Rock Behind, Full Triple turn Left
1&2  Step and rock left behind right, recover on right, step left to side.
3&4 Step and rock right behind left, recover on left. step right to side
5-6 Step and rock left behind right, recover on right,
(On above rock steps sway arms and body in the same direction as behind rock steps
 keeping body facing front).
7&8 Full Triple turn left moving to the left on left, right. left.


  This is a smooth continuous flowing dance, It is Not Phased but it feels good.
Just enjoy the music & Let the Dance FLOW
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert April 2001